Progress report Sept 1, 2020

A short progress report about some of the things we have been working on.

We have made some changes to the compiler:

We have also made some changes to the runtime:

VS Integration:

We are preparing a new build (2.6) internally. Because of some changes to external prototypes of methods we will increase the Assembly version, which means that you will most likely also need new versions of 3rd party products such as bBrowser, ReportPro and Xs2Ado with this new version.


  • Very good. If you need some testing help: We have now a nice collection of unit tests (type of overall tests) that runs every night and regularly finds something to be verified.

    In about half a week of time normally I can make some Beta-Tests without too much work.

    Logically I would not sit into an air plane that is controlled by our programs passing our unit tests the night before. But that's a question of security level and not a question of good/bad programs.