xsharp.eu • Which files to replace in production after update (after DBF write isssue)?
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Which files to replace in production after update (after DBF write isssue)?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:52 pm
by ic2
We are currently investigating an issue that our X# mailreader program seems to damage dbf files (using ADS). We have had this before but we need to collect more info to be sure. We had the same problem while reading the mails from the VO program. Trying to manually modify a DBF field of the last record resulted in the DBF editor to crash with the field left unmodified. But after one day of not starting the X# based mailreader, none of the email database modifications resulted in a problem (using the VO program to read). I will come back to this after a few days more of "field" results, so to say.

One thing I am not completely sure of is: did we replace all/the right DLL's with an exe from a newer X# version. I now removed all files VO* and XSharp* .dll/pdp/xml and copied only the DLL files from the Release directory.

My question is: is there any reason to copy the .pdb and .xml files to a production directory? And could not replacing DLL file(s) cause issues in combination of an exe from a newer X# release? And is copying the DLL's from the Release directory to a production/work directory sufficient?

The reason I want to investigate more is that we had a few days with multiple issues on one day this week, but the X# based mailreader worked from Feb 3 already (without any of these issues), and the VO program and even the Windows update (I block all of them until I decide when I want to run updates) where both from a week earlier, so it has worked multiple days without issues. I did rebuild the affected databases but that alone did not solve the issue. More details to follow!


Which files to replace in production after update (after DBF write isssue)?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:30 pm
by Chris
Hi Dick,

For the .xml files, it is absolutely not needed to copy those, they are only used for documentation/intellisense purposes while editing your code in VS

For the .pdb files, those contain debug info, helping creating a more meaningful callstack error message when an error occurs. They do not hurt at all if they do not exist, but they also do not hurt if they exist, so I'd suggest to always copy those as well.