Issue with XIDE Application type

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Issue with XIDE Application type

Post by Irwin »

Hi Chris,

I'm getting the same value when interrogating the following Application properties:

1. AssemblyName
2. AssemblyExt
3. Name

They are all retrieving the same value which is the Name but I need also the name of the assembly and the extension. Is this meant to be like this or is it an issue?

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Re: Issue with XIDE Application type

Post by Chris »

Hi Irwin,

I just checked and it seems to work well here. Note that the Name and AssemblyName are usually indeed the same, unless the user has changed the assembly name in the app properties. And the extension is empty by default.

Please do a double check to see if there's an error in your code. If not, can you send me a sample to have a look?
Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team
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