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AdsSQLServer Methods


The AdsSQLServer type exposes the following members.

Public methodAppend
Append a blank record to the end of this data server (the new record becomes the current position and is ready for assignment of data values).
(Inherited from DataServer.)
Public methodAppend(Usual)
Append a blank record to the table; this blank record becomes the current position and is ready for assignment of data values. The record is automatically locked if the Append() method returns TRUE.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodAppendDB
Append new records to the table from another DBF file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodAppendDelimited
Append new records to the table from a delimited file, such as the "comma-separated-value" (CSV) file format.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodAppendSDF
Append new records to the table from an SDF-formatted file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodAsString
Return the descriptive label defined for this data server.
(Inherited from DataServer.)
Public methodAverage
Calculate the average of a series of numeric expressions, based on the number of actual records involved.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleBLOBDirectExport
Export the contents of a binary large object (BLOB) pointer to a file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleBLOBDirectGet
Retrieve data stored in a BLOB file without referencing a specific field.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleBLOBDirectImport
Import a file into a BLOB file and return a pointer to the data.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleBLOBDirectPut
Put data in a BLOB file without referencing a specific field.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleBLOBExport
Copy the contents of a BLOB, identified by its memo field number, to a file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleBLOBGet
Get the contents of a BLOB, identified by its memo field number.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleBLOBImport
Read the contents of a file as a BLOB, identified by a memo field number.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleBLOBRootGet
Retrieve the data from the root area of a BLOB file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleBLOBRootLock
Obtain a lock on the root area of a BLOB file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleBLOBRootPut
Store data in the root area of a BLOB file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleBLOBRootUnlock
Release the lock on a BLOB file's root area.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodClearFilter
Clear a filter condition specified with the DBServer:SetFilter() method.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodClearIndex
Clear all indexes currently associated with the server.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodClearLocate
Clear the LOCATE condition of the server, if any.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodClearOrderScope
Set or clear the boundaries for scoping key values in the controlling order.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodClearRelation
Clear all active relations held by this server to other servers.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodClearScope
Clear the settings that define the default scope for multi-record operations.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodClose
Close the database file and its associated index files.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCommit
Commit all changes to disk from the buffer, ensuring that all buffers are flushed.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodConstructUniqueAlias
Create a unique alias based on the filename and an optional numeric suffix
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodContinue
Resume a pending DBServer:Locate() operation, searching for the next record that matches (like the DBContinue() function).
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleCopyDB
Copy records to another DBF file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCopyDelimited
Copy records to a delimited file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCopySDF
Copy records to an SDF file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleCopyStructure
Create a DBF file with the same record layout as the server object to which the message is sent.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleCount
Return the number of records that match a specified scope.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCreateIndex
Create an index file with an order in it.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCreateOrder
Create an order within an existing index file. The behavior depends on which driver is used.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodDataField
Retrieve the data field object at the specified field position.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodDelete
Delete the current record in this data server.
(Inherited from DataServer.)
Public methodDelete(Usual, Usual, Usual)
Delete the current record or the records specified with the scoping parameters.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodDeleteAll
Delete all records of the table.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodDeleteOrder
Delete an order from an index file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleError
Provide a method for handling error conditions raised during database processing.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodEval
Evaluate a code block for each record matching a scope and condition. If neither conditions nor scope is passed to the method, it is subject to the general server scope.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleFIELDGET
Get the contents of a field that is identified by its position.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodFieldGetBytes
Read an array of bytes direct from the workarea buffer.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodFieldGetFormatted
Return the contents of a specified field according to the formatting specifications of its FieldSpec object.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodFieldHyperLabel
Return the hyperlabel of a specified field.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleFieldInfo
Return and optionally change information about a field.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodFieldName
Return the name of a specified field as a string.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodFieldPos
Return the position of a specified field within the data server, as a number starting with 1.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleFIELDPUT
Set the value of a field identified by its position.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodFieldPutBytes
Write an array of bytes direct to the workarea buffer.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodFieldSpec
Return the FieldSpec object in the specified field.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodFieldStatus
Return the status of a field after the last operation.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodFieldSym
Return the name of a specified field.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodFieldValidate
Perform all the validations defined to the FieldSpec object of a field (for example, required, maximum and minimum digits, maximum and minimum value, validation rule) and return the result of the test.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodFLOCK
Lock the table used by this server for exclusive access.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleGetArray
Retrieve an array of values from a field in the server, subject to the currently active selection, if any.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodGetLocate
Retrieve the code block of the current LOCATE condition, or NIL if no code block is set.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleGetLookupTable
Retrieve a two-column array of values from two fields in the server, subject to the currently active selection, if any.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodGoBottom
Position the data server at the last record.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodGoTo
Position the data server at a specified record number.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodGoTop
Position the data server at the first record.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodINDEXKEY
Return the key expression of a specified single-order index.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodINDEXORD
Return the ordinal position of the controlling order in the order list. (Similar to the IndexOrd() function.)
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleInfo
Return and optionally change information about a data server.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodJoin
Join this DBServer object with another DBServer object and place the results in the file specified.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodLocate
Search sequentially for a record matching a condition. If neither conditions nor scope is passed to the method, it is subject to the general server scope.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodLockCurrentRecord
Lock the current record. This method is identical to invoking RLock() with the current record number as a parameter.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleLockSelection
Lock all the records in the currently active selection.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodNoIVarGet
Provide a general error interception that is automatically called (in any class) whenever an access reference is made to a non-existent exported instance variable. In the DBServer class, it is used to implement the virtual field variable.
Important! NoIVarGet() should not be called directly; it is called by the system for handling invalid references.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodNoIVarPut
Provide a general error interception that is automatically called (in any class) whenever an assignment reference is made to a non-existent exported instance variable. In the DBServer class, it is used to implement the virtual field variable.
Important! NoIVarPut() should not be called directly; it is called by the system for handling invalid references.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodNotify
An event handler that responds to events that have occurred in methods of this server, or in other servers that are linked to this server in some way. The standard implementation notifies all the server's clients of the event.
Important! This method is automatically called by the various action methods of the data server, and should normally not be called by application code.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleOrderDescend
Return and optionally change the descending flag of an order.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleOrderInfo
Return and optionally change information about orders and index files.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleOrderIsUnique
Return the status of the unique flag for a given order.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleOrderKeyAdd
Add a key to a custom built order.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleOrderKeyCount
Return the number of keys in an order.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleOrderKeyDel
Delete a key from a custom built order.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleOrderKeyGoTo
Move to a record specified by its logical record number in the controlling order.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleOrderKeyNo
Get the logical record number of the current record.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleOrderScope
Set the boundaries for scoping key values in the controlling order.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleOrderSkipUnique
Move the record pointer to the next or previous unique key in the controlling order.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodPack
Remove deleted records from a database file.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodPostInit
Implement customized initialization code for the window.
(Inherited from DataServer.)
Public methodPreInit
Implement customized initialization code for the server.
(Inherited from DataServer.)
Public methodRDDINFO
Return and optionally change settings controlled directly by the RDD.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodRecall
Recall those deleted records indicated by a specified scope.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodRecallAll
Recall all deleted records in the table.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodRecordInfo
Retrieve information about the indicated record.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodRefresh
Reread the current record from the database, discarding any changes that have been made.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodRefresh(Usual)
Requery the SQL statement
Public methodRegisterClient
Register an object as a client of this data server, so that it receives notification messages from the server about certain actions.
(Inherited from DataServer.)
Public methodReindex
Recreate all active indexes for this server.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodRelation
Return the linking expression of a specified relation.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleReplace
Replace one or several fields with a new expression, for all records that match a specified scope.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodResetNotification
Resume the broadcasting of Notify messages to the server's attached clients (after DBServer:SuspendNotification() has been called).
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodRLOCK
Lock a record for exclusive write access; other users can still make read-only reference to the record.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodRLockVerify
Determine if the current record in this data server has any pending updates and lock it for exclusive write access if there are none.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodRollback
Undo the changes made to this data server within the current transaction.
(Inherited from DataServer.)
Public methodSeek(Usual)
Move to the next record having a specified key value in the controlling order.
(Inherited from DataServer.)
Public methodCode exampleSeek(Usual, Usual, Usual)
Move to the record having the specified key value in the controlling order.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodSELECT
Select the workarea that the DbServer uses.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodSetDataField
Assign a DataField object to a specified field.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleSetFilter
Set a filter condition.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleSetIndex
Open an index file and select its order as the controlling order, if this is the first index being opened.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodSetOrder
Select an order from one of the open index files as the controlling order.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodSetOrderCondition
Set conditions that is applied to index and order creation. If SetOrderCondition() has not been called, order creation is subject to the general server scope. If neither has been set, orders are not conditional.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleSetRelation
Set a relation from this server to the child server.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleSetSelectiveRelation
Set a selective relation from this server to the child server; standard database operations are restricted to those records that match the relation.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodSkip
Move the record pointer forward or backward a specified number of records.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodSort
Copy records to another database file in sorted order. If neither conditions nor scope is passed to the method, it is subject to the general server scope.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleSum
Calculate the sum of a series of numeric expressions.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodSuspendNotification
Suspend the broadcasting of Notify messages to the server's attached clients.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodCode exampleTotal
Aggregate records by key value, producing grouped summarizations, and write the aggregate records to another database.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodUnLock
Remove all locks held on this data server.
(Inherited from DataServer.)
Public methodUnLock(Usual)
Release a specified lock or all locks.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodUnRegisterClient
Remove the registration of an object as a client of this data server, so that it no longer receives notification messages from the server about certain actions.
(Inherited from DataServer.)
Public methodUpdate
Update this server with data from another server or table.
(Inherited from DataServer.)
Public methodUpdate(Usual, Usual, Usual, Usual)
Update this server with data from another server or table.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
Public methodZap
Permanently remove all records from the server and release the disk space.
(Inherited from DbServer.)
See Also