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DbDataSource Properties


The DbDataSource type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowEdit
TRUE when the workarea is not readonly
Public propertyAllowNew
TRUE when the workarea is not readonly
Public propertyAllowRemove
TRUE when the workarea is not readonly
Public propertyCount
Returns the # of records in the RDD
Public propertyEoF
Is underlying workarea at EOF
Public propertyFullName
File name of underlying workarea
Public propertyIsFixedSize
Gets a value indicating whether the IList has a fixed size.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
TRUE when the workarea is readonly
Public propertyIsSorted
Gets whether the items in the list are sorted.
Public propertyItem
Retrieve the DbRecordObject for the record at the given position
Public propertyName
Alias of underlying workarea
Public propertyRecNo
Recordnumber in underlying workarea
Public propertyShowDeleted
Should the Deleted Flag be included as "virtual column"
Public propertyShowRecno
Should the Record number be included as "virtual column"
Public propertySortDirection
Gets the direction of the sort.
Public propertySortProperty
Gets the PropertyDescriptor that is being used for sorting.
Public propertySupportsChangeNotification
Gets whether a ListChanged event is raised when the list changes or an item in the list changes.
Public propertySupportsSearching
Gets whether the list supports searching using the Find(PropertyDescriptor, Object) method.
Public propertySupportsSorting
Gets whether the list supports sorting.
See Also