PtrDevice:PrintExport() Method

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PtrDevice:PrintExport() Method

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Initiate the printing process and export the results to an export format.


<oPtrDevice>:PrintExport(xExport, [cFile], cCaption, [cMessage], [lPreBody], [lPostBody])



 Optional parameter to specify a specific export type to use.  If this is not specified, the user is prompted for an export format to use.

If this parameter is specified, the <cFile> parameter is required as well.

Currently supported types are:

#RP_RTF_WORD95 (creates rich text format compatible with Microsoft Office 6)

#RP_RTF_WORD97 (creates rich text format compatible with Microsoft Office 97)

#RP_HTML (creates hypertext markup language output)

#RP_ASCII (creates vanilla text output)

#RP_PDF (creates a simple PDF format)

#RP_EXCEL (creates a simple Excel format)


 File name to which to export.  This parameter is optional unless the <xExport> is specified.


 The caption displayed on the Print Export window.


 The optional message string displayed on the dialog window presented to the user during printing.  The default is taken from the language string tables (please wait).


 Logical indicating if a pre-body page is to be printed.  (You must provide a PrintPreBody() callback method to actually perform the printing).  Default: FALSE


 Logical indicating if a post-body page is to be printed.  (You must provide a PrintPostBody() callback method to actually perform the printing).  Default: FALSE


For a complete description of the printing process, please see the discussion in the PtrDevice  introduction.  


// Begin printing in an RTF output report

oPtrDevice:PrintExport(#RP_RTF_WORD95, "c:\myfile.rtf", "Exporting", "Export in Progress…")