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To use the VO2ADO RDD you need to have ADO installed on your computer. In general when you have installed Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher, or Windows 98, ME or 2000 you will have ADO.

If ADO is installed you can usually find the ADO files in the folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO on your computer

VO2ADO used only very basic properties of ADO, so an ADO version of 2.0 is enough. If you are not sure which ADO version you have, you can check the file version of the file MSADO15.DLL in the above folder.


If you want to install ADO on your computer, go to the Download page on the Microsoft web site at :




When connecting to ADO you will also need to use an OLEDB Provider.

Most of our samples will use the OleDB provider for SQL Server (SQLOLEDB) and will use the SQL Server Pubs sample database.

If you don't have SQL Server you can test using the OLEDB Provider for the Microsoft Jet Engine (Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0) and use the Northwind.mdb sample file that is included with the VO2ADO RDD.

Another Provider that you can use is the provider for ODBC, which will use any ODBC data source as connection to the database. This provider is called "MSDASQL", and is the default provider for ADO.