Server  2: Using Bookmarks with AdoServer

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Server  2: Using Bookmarks with AdoServer

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Record numbers are not a valid record indicator in ADO, because they may change after the order of a resultset has been changed.

The advised alternative is to use Bookmarks in stead, as you can see in the sample below



 // this sample shows how to use the AdoServer object

 LOCAL oConn AS AdoCOnnection

 LOCAL oSrv AS AdoServer


 LOCAL oCons AS Console


 oCOns := COnsole{}

 strCnn := "Provider= SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog=pubs; Data Source=(local);uid=sa;pwd=;"

 // Set the default connection for better error reports

 oCOnn := AdoConnection{}



 oConn:CursorLocation := AdUseClient

 // Open a recordset USING a client Side, KeySet cursor

 oCons:WriteLine("Open server, and set order to lastne, firstname after opening")

 oSrv := AdoServer{"authors",oConn,adOpenKeySet, adLockOptimistic,adCmdTable)

 oSrv:OrderBy("au_lname , au_Fname")

 oCons:WriteLine("SHow first 20 rows")

 DO WHILE ! oSrv:EOF .and. oSrv:RECNO < 10

 oCOns:WriteLine(AsString( oSrv:RECNO)+" "+AsString(oSrv:FIELDGET(1))+ ;

 " "+AsString(oSrv:FIELDGET(2)) +" "+oSrv:FIELDGET(3) )

 // Save bookmark so we can navigate to the row later

 BM := oSrv:Bookmark



 oCons:Write("Press Enter")


 oCons:WriteLine("Now change the order to Firstname, lastname")

 oSrv:OrderBy("au_fname , au_lname")

 DO WHILE ! oSrv:EOF .and. oSrv:RECNO < 10

 oCOns:WriteLine(AsString( oSrv:RECNO)+" "+AsString(oSrv:FIELDGET(1))+ ;

 " "+AsString(oSrv:FIELDGET(2)) +" "+oSrv:FIELDGET(3) )



 oCons:Write("Press Enter")


 oCons:WriteLine("Skip back to last row of first list using bookmark")

 oCons:WriteLine("Even though the record number has changed")

 oSrv:Bookmark := BM

 oCOns:WriteLine(AsString( oSrv:RECNO)+" "+AsString(oSrv:FIELDGET(1))+ ;

 " "+AsString(oSrv:FIELDGET(2)) +" "+oSrv:FIELDGET(3) )        



 oCons:Write("Press Enter")
