bBrowser and SQL Server delay question

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Stavros Spanos
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bBrowser and SQL Server delay question

Post by Stavros Spanos »

Hi all!

We are using a data bounded bBrowser connected with a VO SQLTable that handles a lot of data, code blocks etc.

When we are moving from row to row (with mouse or keys), it seems that a data refreshing is going on, concerning the current record (actually the records seems to be re-read from original SQL Server when we move to it).

This of course is very nice, but causes a delay of 2-3 second while we are browsing.

We have 2 questions:

• Is there a way to work more asynchronously? We need to browse without any interaction with the server and <Refresh All> when needed. Is there a way to do this?

• Is there a – kind of – “granularity” concerning thw interaction between SQL Server / SQLTable / bBrowser?? It seems like the problem gets worse with Tables with 50000-100000 rows.

Thanks in advance!
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Joachim Bieler
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bBrowser and SQL Server delay question

Post by Joachim Bieler »

Hi Stavros,

the bBrowser uses the methods Skip(), GoTop(), GoBottom() and Goto() from the dataserver for record movements. If data refreshes take place in the dataserver, then the bBrowser has no influence on it. Whether this actually happens, I don't know at the moment.

Can you please send me a code example how you create the SQL dataserver (SQLSelect or SQLTable or ...). I will then build a test programme to reproduce the behaviour.

Joachim Bieler
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Stavros Spanos
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bBrowser and SQL Server delay question

Post by Stavros Spanos »

Thanks for the reply Joachim. I'll open a new thread as we have found some things that might help. I will also include a Youtube Video that shows the problem.
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