xsharp.eu • Use Proper Case in language instead of UPPER CASE???
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Use Proper Case in language instead of UPPER CASE???

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 10:49 am
by Anonymous
Is there a way to make the language syntax Proper Case, rather than UPPER CASE?

I think using Proper Case would be more in line with most other modern programming languages, especially the ones in .Net, whereas all of the UPPER CASE language syntax just looks really outdated to me.

Screenshots attached.

Use Proper Case in language instead of UPPER CASE???

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 11:02 am
by lumberjack
Hi Matt,
In XIDE under Tools/Preferences...
You have on the Editor tab the Case synchronization options: Keywords, Functions, Case synch all tokens.

It is a user preference. Some of us like our X# Reserved words in Upper case, most of us do lower case these days, with Function/Procedure/Method/Class/Property names in a CamelBack notation.

Vulcan even had the c# like case-sensitive option where the compiler will treat LOCAL x AS INT, LOCAL X AS INT as two separate variable declarations. The compiler however did not mind the case of reserved words.

Use Proper Case in language instead of UPPER CASE???

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 11:05 am
by FoxProMatt
Can you tell me if the same thing is available from Visual Studio and where to find it.

I will most likely be doing my experiments from Visual Studio.

Use Proper Case in language instead of UPPER CASE???

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 11:09 am
by FoxProMatt
Okay, I found the same setting in Visual Studio.
2019-03-10_6-07-36.png (116.14 KiB) Viewed 236 times

Use Proper Case in language instead of UPPER CASE???

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 11:16 am
by lumberjack
mattslay wrote:Okay, I found the same setting in Visual Studio.
You beat my by a split second to show you... :lol:

Any case, have you tried XIDE? A lot of us are using it. You should love it, none of the overhead attached to VS if you don't need it.

Use Proper Case in language instead of UPPER CASE???

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 11:34 am
by FoxProMatt
Yes, I installed XIDE when I installed the mian X# package (Beta 8 ) and I used it to create a simple WinForm using X# Core language features. I made a project with a Win Form and added a label and a text box, and I have it display a .Net message box when I click the command button.

And I did the same thing in Visual Studio...

Speaking of that, I'm going right now to post more about XIDE vs. Visual Studio in a different thread...