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Not sure what's wrong...

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 1:24 am
by Anonymous
Hi again,

I'm calling a report (ReportPro 2.30a) Like this:

METHOD FPJobNoReport(cClientHeader, nJobNo) CLASS DataWindow
LOCAL oReport as RpReport
LOCAL cJobName,cPrint2Filename,cCaption,cMessage as STRING

oReport := RpReport{ self, "JobNumber.RPT" }

IF oReport:IsValid
cJobName := "Job Report"
cPrint2Filename := "REPORT.PRN"
cCaption := cAppVersion + " : Report Preview"
cMessage := "Printing in progress..."
oReport:SetVariableValue("ClientHeading", cClientHeader)
oReport:SetVariableValue("nJobNo", nJobNo)
oReport:FilterExpression := "Details.JobNumber == nJobNo"

return self

If I run it as is from a button it works fine. BUT if EITHER of these run before it, it says that "JobNumber.rpt" cannot be opened.

//ShellExecute(null, String2Psz("open"), String2Psz(cFile), null, String2Psz(cFile), SW_SHOW)

Here's the actual error:
JobNumber Not Found.JPG
JobNumber Not Found.JPG (14.22 KiB) Viewed 211 times
SpawnApp, I nicked from someone in the old NG to solve another problem I had:

METHOD SpawnApp( cMySpawnedApp ) CLASS ReportsMenu
LOCAL lpShellInfo is _winShellExecuteInfo
LOCAL hProc as ptr
LOCAL lpExitCode as DWORD
LOCAL lRunning as LOGIC

lpShellInfo.cbSize := _sizeof( _winSHELLEXECUTEINFO )

lpShellInfo.hwnd := self:Owner:Handle()
// Shell Window

lpShellInfo.lpVerb := String2Psz("open")

lpShellInfo.lpFile := String2Psz( cMySpawnedApp )
// This can be an associated document/data file

lpShellInfo.nShow := SW_ShowNormal

IF ShellExecuteEx( @lpShellInfo )
hProc := lpShellInfo.hProcess
GetExitCodeProcess( hProc, @lpExitCode )
lRunning := ( lpExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE )
WHILE lRunning
GetExitCodeProcess( hProc, @lpExitCode )
lRunning := ( lpExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE )
end do


Return nil

I don't see the correlation between opening a PDF (which the Spawn Method does) and opening an RPT file. I've checked the paths, both are correct.. What am I missing please?

Not sure what's wrong...

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:47 am
by lumberjack
Hi Jeff,
BiggyRat wrote: I'm calling a report (ReportPro 2.30a) Like this:
If I run it as is from a button it works fine. BUT if EITHER of these run before it, it says that "JobNumber.rpt" cannot be opened.

Code: Select all

		//ShellExecute(null, String2Psz("open"), String2Psz(cFile), null, String2Psz(cFile), SW_SHOW)
SpawnApp, I nicked from someone in the old NG to solve another problem I had:
I don't see the correlation between opening a PDF (which the Spawn Method does) and opening an RPT file. I've checked the paths, both are correct.. What am I missing please?
I think you might have a slow OS that still have not closed the file. Not sure if this gives you an idea from my own code around CreateProcess():

Code: Select all

IF ptrProcessInfo.hProcess != NULL_PTR
	WHILE WaitForSingleObject(ptrProcessInfo.hProcess, 0) = WAIT_TIMEOUT
	IF !Empty(dwLastError := GetLastError())
		Errorbox{,	'Possible error during last process ' + CRLF + CRLF + ;
					'Command line : ' + cCommand + CRLF + CRLF + ;
					'Default directory : ' + cDirectory + CRLF + CRLF + ;
					'Returned error code : ' + LTrim(Str(dwLastError))}:Show()
	CloseHandle(ptrProcessInfo.hProcess) // Note here, closing the handle!!!

Not sure what's wrong...

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 8:34 am
by BiggyRat
Gee I hope it's not slow! It's Win 10 Pro 64bIt on 8th Gen i7, 32Gb RAM on a 2TB SSD! LOL
I will try your code to see how it goes. Thank you very much again Johan :)

Not sure what's wrong...

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 8:54 am
by lumberjack
Hi Jeff,
BiggyRat wrote:Gee I hope it's not slow! It's Win 10 Pro 64bIt on 8th Gen i7, 32Gb RAM on a 2TB SSD! LOL
I will try your code to see how it goes. Thank you very much again Johan :)
Did not mean it in that way. I am not sure about the internals, but I might incorrectly guess that you pass ".rpt" to your shell execute which triggers RP, hence RP gets "closed" first and your application start doing stuff, before the OS closed the ".rpt".

I don't use ShellExecute, but here is the preceding code to my wait for process to finish:

Code: Select all

IF CreateProcess(;
	NULL_PSZ,;	// pointer to name of executable module 
	PSZ(_CAST, cCommand),;	// pointer to command line string
	NULL_PTR,;	//lpProcessAttributes,	// pointer to process security attributes 
	NULL_PTR,;	//lpThreadAttributes,	// pointer to thread security attributes 
	FALSE,;	//bInheritHandles,	// handle inheritance flag 
	HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS	,; //NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,;	//dwCreationFlags,	// creation flags 
	NULL_PTR,;	//lpEnvironment,	// pointer to new environment block 
	cDirectory, ;	//lpCurrentDirectory,	// pointer to current directory name  
	@ptrStartupInfo, ;	//lpStartupInfo,	// pointer to STARTUPINFO 
	@ptrProcessInfo ;	//lpProcessInformation 	// pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION  
	)	// End of CreateProcess

Not sure what's wrong...

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:24 am
by BiggyRat
Thank you so much Johan, I'll give that a try in the morning.