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SE_Menü from Sven Ebert

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 1:29 pm
by Frank Müßner
have someone transport the VO Code from Sven Ebert SE-menu to Vulcan/X# ?
I have Transport without Errors (only one), but when try to use the SEToolBarImageList
SUPER(ResourceID{cResource, _GetInst()})
I get

Code: Select all

   bei XSharp.RT.Functions.IVarGet(Object o, String cIvar)
   bei VO.ImageList..ctor(__Usual[] Xs$Args)
   bei SEToolBarImageList..ctor(__Usual[] Xs$Args) in C:XporterOutputse_SE UI XPSEToolBarImageList.prg:Zeile 8.
   bei SETBImgList..ctor(__Usual[] Xs$Args) in C:XporterOutput1111Application 2Module 1.prg:Zeile 53.
   bei NewWindow1.PostInit(__Usual[] Xs$Args) in C:XporterOutput1111Application 2Module 1.prg:Zeile 34.
   bei NewWindow1..ctor(__Usual[] Xs$Args) in C:XporterOutput1111Application 2Module 1.prg:Zeile 27.
   bei XApp.Start(__Usual[] Xs$Args) in C:XporterOutput1111Application 2Start.prg:Zeile 37.
   bei Application 2.Exe.Functions.Start() in C:XporterOutput1111Application 2Start.prg:Zeile 6.

does anyone have the tool in use?


SE_Menü from Sven Ebert

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:46 pm
by Chris
Hi Frank,

What is the error message of the exception? Can you please zip and post the ported project so we can try it as well?

SE_Menü from Sven Ebert

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:39 pm
by ic2
Hello Frank,

I use SEUIXP but have not yet transported it. But something struck me when I read this. I use a X# library from which functions are called from my VO program. I also created a WPF window. At a certain moment (I would say: after a certain W10 update) just running that X# WPF window crippled the SEUIXP toolbar as used in my VO program; the icons became smaller and the text below the icon disappeared. This was not set back after the WPF windows was closed.

I then decided to use a VO window for it again but it actually is a bit of an issue because for other X# code it's much more efficient if the lib can also display info in a (WPF) window.

I already tried quite a few things; plan is to see if a Winforms window also could cripple the menu.

For now I have no logical explanation why just showing a WPF window from a library could change how a VO toolbar displays. This maybe totally unrelated to your problem but maybe there is soemthing weird of this code.

Feel free to contact me if you want me to help solving this; maybe it solves the above problem too.


SE_Menü from Sven Ebert

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 6:18 am
by Frank Müßner
Hello Dick,
I'm not ready so far that I have a running Transported version. First, only the pure VO Version should be created. WPF is currently not an issue for me, later WinForms.
I'm still cleaning up the VO code. Is a lot of work.
The problem of the SE-Classe (currently only the ImageList for me) was a lack of init in the constructor. Chris helped. Maybe there are the same problem in other places.