Source code control Xsharp . NET, C#. [ Thanks good input ]

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Source code control Xsharp . NET, C#. [ Thanks good input ]

Post by Sherlock »

General question what is th experience with Source control systems.. what do you use?
What issues. We tried DEVOX free MS... but developer said issues restoring did nto work with binary data.
Costs ?

So open to what we should look at and pros and cons..

Thanks .. Phil
Phil McGuinness
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Source code control Xsharp . NET, C#.

Post by ic2 »

We use Bitbucket (from Australian based Atlassian. It offers about the same features as the $40/year Github offer (using the same .git directory). It seems to work as it should but it is often unclear how things work, an issue I had with every source code control system I used.If you ask a question in the forum it get usually only a few dozen views and often no answer.

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Source code control Xsharp . NET, C#.

Post by robert »

I have experience with TFS and GIT. Both work fine.
I prefer GIT, even though the commandline is complicated. But it allows simultaneous editing by remote users and the integration in VS is Ok, and there is also an excellent TortoiseGit that integrates into the explorer.

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Source code control Xsharp . NET, C#.

Post by VR »

We at Informinds use Azure DevOps (Git) repos. The git command line commands are indeed quite complicated, but we use Fork ( as Gui for most of the Git operations. For Git, we use a process similar to the Release Flow ( ... vsts-team/).

If your team is not that big and you don't need SSO, then you can consider the free tier on If you only have 5 users, you can also try Azure DevOps, where the first 5 users are free.
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Source code control Xsharp . NET, C#. [ Thanks good input ]

Post by Sherlock »

I have not used XSHARP to ever write an app or convert, but supported by subscription its future.
Now the time has come to bring 3 developers together in .NET. We have C#, Delphi and VO dev.
Have a very skilled .NET guy thinks we should only use C#. I will XSHARP and C#, and Delphi guy RemObjects/Oygene.
We have a lot of code in all 3 ... VO and Delphi , 20+ years..
We are moving the last Desktop apps to Cloud version.
The .NET work is web services, JSON, REST etc,, with Postges backed. We are very familar with this...
My web team of developers will be PHP, Wordpress.

Any Delphi devs moved to .NET and what VS aspect of PAscal Object languages did you use.
Phil McGuinness
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Source code control Xsharp . NET, C#. [ Thanks good input ]

Post by Fabrice »

Hi Phil,

... strangely my previous reply has disappear from the Forum...?? May I didn't hit the Submit button ????

That said I was indicating my use (personnal, X# and School) of Git and GitHub, but not only....
If you want to give it a try, you can check Gogs
Free,OpenSource,Git server with a Web interface that has the Look n Feel of GitHub.
It is self-contained, so you can run it without any existing servers on a large panel of hardware.
Great for learning and testing; or if you prefer in-House solutions; You can even link it to your LDAP to ease connections... or put it on the Cloud.
That said, it is Git, so not really suitable for Binary management as generating Diffs and Merge on binary content doesn't really have sense (I think).

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Source code control Xsharp . NET, C#. [ Thanks good input ]

Post by Fabrice »

Hi Phil,
to reply to your Pascal to .NET Question :
In terms of language, don't forget that the guy at MS that was responsible of C# creation was coming from Borland :)
So the "philosophy" of these languages are very similar, even if it has really evolved since V1.0

Now, if you compare the IDE that's another story :
VS is a great tool, but complex also; but it is difficult to change your habits...
When you master one tool, moving to another one is sometimes frustrating : if I look at my students they have some difficulties to move from Jetbrains IntelliJ to VisualStudio (from Java to C#), and the difficult point is not the language :)
ShortCuts, Menus, ... are so different :)
But I agree that the next point will be the Framework knowledge (more than the language itself)

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Source code control Xsharp . NET, C#. [ Thanks good input ]

Post by FFF »

FTR, your first answer WAS visible yesterday, i read it ;)
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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Source code control Xsharp . NET, C#. [ Thanks good input ]

Post by Chris »


I think the problem must have to do with a website restore yesterday. There was some problem caused by an update, so Robert had to roll it back and I suspect unfortunately this caused a couple posts to disappear as well.

Chris Pyrgas

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Source code control Xsharp . NET, C#. [ Thanks good input ]

Post by ic2 »

Hello Phil,
Sherlock wrote:Have a skilled .NET guy thinks we should only use C#.
Note that you can easily mix C# and X# in 1 VS solution. When we find some code in C# which is doing the job we don't bother to convert, although C# is a terrible language. Especially since .Net languages can not be edited per entity, one of the main drawbacks of .Net versus VO, I often have that suddenly VS shows 1800 errors and then you know you forgot 1 semicolon or something like that. In quite some cases it is hard to find where the mistake is, so I copy the changes I just created to a text editor, press Ctrl Z until the errors are gone and reapply my changes.

This doesn't happen as much with X# but still it's a shame you can't isolate 1 entity and it's errors. But bottom line: you don't really have to chose. Plus your developer won't have much trouble understanding X# (especially Core) when he knows C#

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