The future of ReportPro

This forum is the place to discuss issues related to ReportPro, Xs2Ado, Vo2Ado, bBrowser and other 3rd party products
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The future of ReportPro

Post by Jozo »

1. Vaša RP verzija RP2[ ] RP3[X]
2. Koristi [X] VO [ ] XSharp
3. Kao bazu podataka koju koristiti. [X] DBF-ovi [X]Privremeni DBF-ovi [ ] SQL
4. Otprilike koliko instalacija RP2 imate [X] 0-100 [ ] 101 - 1000 [ ] > 1000
5. Otprilike koliko će ljudi koristiti RP u vašoj tvrtki [X] 1-5 [ ] 6-20 [ ] > 20
6. Jeste li zainteresirani za sudjelovanje u alfa testu: [X] Da [ ] Ne
7. Koliko ste spremni platiti ovu nadogradnju. [ ] 100 € [X] 500 € ] 1.000 €

We have 850 reports in Rp3
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The future of ReportPro

Post by Alf »

Here my very late answer:

1. Your RP Version RP2[x] RP3[ ]
2. Uses [ ] VO [x] XSharp
3. As a database you use. [x] DBFs [x] Temporary DBFs [x] SQL
4. Approximately how many installations of RP2 you have [ ] 0-100 [x] 101 - 1000 [ ] > 1000
5. Approximately how many people will use RP in your company [ ] 1-5 [ ] 6-20 [x] > 20
6. Are you interested in participating in an alpha test: [x] Yes [ ] No
7. How much are you willing to pay for this upgrade. [ ] € 100 [x] € 500 ] € 1.000

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The future of ReportPro

Post by ovo »

1. Your RP Version RP2[ X] RP3[ ]
2. Uses [ X] VO [ ] XSharp
3. As a database you use. [X] DBFs [X]Temporary DBFs [ ] SQL
4. Approximately how many installations of RP2 you have [ ] 0-100 [X] 101 - 1000 [ ] > 1000
5. Approximately how many people will use RP in your company [X] 1-5 [ ] 6-20 [ ] > 20
6. Are you interested in participating in an alpha test: [X] Yes [ ] No
7. How much are you willing to pay for this upgrade. [ ] € 100 [X] € 500 [X] € 1.000
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The future of ReportPro

Post by MJI »

1. RP2
2. VO
3. As a database you use. Mix of ADS DBF, and DBFCDX temporary files
4. High hundreds at least
5. 1-5
7. Will need to ask boss

Mainly looking for perfomance increases
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Joined: Wed May 24, 2023 11:58 am

The future of ReportPro

Post by MJI »

We did use RP3 but found maintaining both version difficult, we moved our RP3 customer to RP2 latest version and we are getting complaints about performance.
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