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Conversion or application of well known VO libraries to X#

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:42 am
by robert

XS9032 is not an error but a warning. Apparently you have the compiler option "Warnings as Errors" selected and then it looks like an error. It is also documented (but I agree there could be a better description) at: https://www.xsharp.eu/help/xs9032.html.
XS0108 is also documented at https://www.xsharp.eu/help/xs0108.html. This is also a warning. I will also add the explanation from Chris to the documentation.

The more that I think about it the more I am convinced that we should not separate the errors and warnings in the documentation, since I understand that in cases like this it can be difficult to find them.


Conversion or application of well known VO libraries to X#

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:50 am
by lumberjack
Hi Dick,
ic2 wrote: Same question for error XS0108 which is also skipped in the help:

Warning XS0108 'MultiImageWindow.Close()' hides inherited member 'StdImageWindow.Close()'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. Fab_PaintLib_Test D:XSharpProjectsFabPaintlibsXsharpFab_PaintLib_TestWnd MultiImgView.prg 11

Code: Select all

METHOD Close() 		
return self 
Again here, why not rather use the OnClosing/Dispose event to Destroy()? Sorry that I don't give an example, eyes a bit blurry today, but hopefully somebody else can assist if needed. If I recall there was quite a good example in the Vulcan help file regarding the use of the closing events.


Conversion or application of well known VO libraries to X#

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:40 am
by ic2
Hello Johan,

We're just glad you are 'in' again!

My goal is for everything that we convert from VO to X# to keep as much as possible as it was. No changes, no improvement (if it ain't broke don't fix it). Same for replacing ASSIGN to PROPERTY. It may look more .Net but it won't work better.

Only after I see it works we may make changes but that means we must test every aspect again. I am now working on the Fab libs for which it is very difficult for me to test the correct working overall as it is not my product.


Conversion or application of well known VO libraries to X#

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:16 am
by ic2
You're probably right. I don't have "Warnings as errors" on but the warning and error tab are extremely confusing in VS, as almost anything in VS. If you click on on tab the other changes from "90 errors" to "0 of 90 errors". When I click on Warnings I see the XS108 and then I click on the error tab and it still shows the XS108. Usually clicking a couple of times changes the content of the tabs at some point in time but any logic is missing. So I may have seen an error which actually was a warning.

Therefore it's a good idea to merge the errors and warnings. You could maybe indicate if it is a warning or an error in the text?


Conversion or application of well known VO libraries to X#

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:20 am
by ic2
Hello Chris,

I don't use ASSIGN's much in my own code but I agree that it's not very consistent to be able to assign of couple of values and return (even) another value in some cases. That is the reason I have usually used a regular method to do whatever must be assigned, instead of the ASSIGN itself.

About the help: I understand that help files are more formal but I encourage to use descriptions as you do in the forum. These are very clear and may help users much more than a shorter, formal description.


Conversion or application of well known VO libraries to X#

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:45 am
by FFF
These are very clear and may help users much more than a shorter, formal description.

Conversion or application of well known VO libraries to X#

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 12:30 pm
by Fabrice
Hi Dick,
this morning, my students decided that it was a day off, because they were needing some time to prepare their final exams...but nobody tolds me :(
Unexpectedly, I had time to work on FabPaintLib. :)

Ok, the version first running version compiled with X# is now available at my homepage, in the Downloads, XSharp section : It is far from perfect in the sense that it need Vulcan Runtime, and has been compiled in Vulcan dialect.

The next step might be to move to Core Dialect, but it means XSharp GUI and more.


Conversion or application of well known VO libraries to X#

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:26 pm
by ic2
Hello Fabrice,

You might want to edit the post "not available" to "now available"....

We shouldn't have started so quickly with converting it ;) Anyhow, no doubt you have a better version than we had so far. I'll directly delete what we had.

Anyone who has done something with HoverButtons or _SEUIXP?


Conversion or application of well known VO libraries to X#

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:51 pm
by Chris
Hi Dick,

Those "Errors"/"Warnings"/"Messages" buttons in the VS ErrorList window are toggles, so you can choose to Show/hide errors, Show/Hide warnings etc.

About distinguishing warnings to errors, Errors have a red "cross" image to their left, in the first column, while warnings have a yellow triangle shown.


Conversion or application of well known VO libraries to X#

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:27 am
by Karl-Heinz
Hi Wolfgang,

https://docs.xsharp.it/doku.php?id=assi ... eturnvalue


assign MyVar( cMyVar as string ) as void pascal class MyClass
_cMyVar := cMyVar

return _cMyVar


i think you meant "return" , instead of "return _cMyVar"
