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Open the a file based on the information in the dictionary







METHOD Init ( cDDFPath, cFile, cTablePath, nMode, cOwner, nid )  CLASS BtDDFServer







<cDDFPath>The location of the DDF files, defaults to Bt_Path()
<cFile>The name that is used in the dictionary for the file. Please note
that this name can (and usually is) different then the name of the file.
For example the name for FILE.DDF in the dictionary is X$File.
<cTablePath>(Optional) Location of the file to open. When omitted the
filename and location from FILE.DDF is used. When there is no location
in FILE.DDF, Bt_Path() is used
<nMode>Btrieve file open mode.
<cOwner>(Optional) owner of the file
<nId>(Optional) Client ID to use when opening the file.








OBJECT                Server Object. When an error occurs the VO Error handler is called.




See Also



BtDDFServer, BtServer:Init()