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App.Exec Method (Long)

Start the event handling loop for the application.

Namespace:  XSharp.VO.SDK
Assembly:  XSharp.VOGUIClasses (in XSharp.VOGUIClasses.dll) Version: 2.19
	kExecType AS LONG
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Type: Long
The type of event handling loop to start, specified as one of the following constants
EXECNORMAL Tells the system to continue to execute the application until either the user closes it (by selecting the Close menu command or using the standard Windows accelerator Alt+F4) or the application decides to close by deliberately invoking the App:Quit() method. When the application terminates, the thread of control exits from App:Exec() to the next statement in your code. This is the default.
EXECWHILEEVENT Tells the system to continue to execute the application only while there are still events queued. Once the system has dispatched the last event in the queue, the thread of control exits from App:Exec(). This gives you the opportunity to do some processing and then start another event loop by invoking App:Exec() again. You should use this mechanism when you want to do some background processing while the application is idle.

Return Value

Type: Long
A value of 0 indicates normal termination (no errors). A non-zero value indicates abnormal termination.
Normally, the event handling loop for the application continues looping until there are no more EventContext objects. It can also terminate upon calling App:Quit().
Tip Tip
Make sure that you show at least one window object before calling App:Exec().
See Also