Click or drag to resize

DataColumn Methods (Typed)


The DataColumn type exposes the following members.

Public methodAsString
Return the current value in the current row of this data column as a formatted string.
Public methodCode exampleChangeBackground
Set a new background brush for this data column.
Public methodChangeTextColor(Long, Long)
Public methodCode exampleChangeTextColor(Color, Long)
Set a new pen in a particular area of this data column.
Public methodDestroy
Provide a method to de-instantiate a DataColumn object.
(Overrides Destroy.)
Public methodCode exampleEnableCellDraw
Enable the painting of individual cells by registering a cell-painting method.
Public methodEnableColumnMove
Enable/disable whether the user can move (rearrange) this data column with the mouse. If the method is not called, the default behavior is determined by the data browser that owns this column.
Public methodEnableColumnReSize
Enable/disable whether the user can resize this data column with the mouse. If this method is not called, the default behavior is determined by the data browser that owns this column.
Public methodGetModified
Determine whether the value in column has been modified.
Public methodGetValue
Get the value of the current data column.
Public methodLinkDF
Connect a column to a field in a data server.
Public methodPerformValidations
Perform all the validations defined to this data column's field specification (for example, required, maximum and minimum digits, maximum and minimum value, validation rule) and return the result of the test.
Public methodSetCaption
Set the caption for the data column.
Public methodSetModified
Mark the current data column, signifying that it has been modified.
Public methodSetStandardStyle
Set the appearance of this data column's caption area.
Public methodSetValue
Set the value of the current data column.
See Also